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Conversations With Your Child.

Armelle Desir

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

Having the conversation about sexual abuse do not have to be uncomfortable for you or your child. Learn why it is important to talk to your child about abuse and how these conversations can help you develop a relationship with your child.

Every child is one caring adult away from being a success story. - John Shipp

Imagine a world free from chaos what a peaceful world it would be. Now imagine a child who is raised without any experience of trauma. Sounds like a perfect world right. Although you may not be able to provide your child with a perfect world you can protect them from the world that isn't perfect.

Having a simple conversation with your child to get them comfortable with you is a start to opening the door to having conversations with them about boundaries and parts of their bodies that is off limits. Once you are able to have these conversations with your child you can then talk to them about lies that someone may tell to get them to do something they don't like. This will get the child familiar with lies that a perp may tell and what to do if that happens.

Getting your child familiar with telling you anything and everything will get them in the habit of telling you new things and people that they may meet on a daily basis. As adults we understand that once you get into the habit of things its hard to get out of it. The same goes for a child, if your child gets into the habit of telling you everything the chances of something happening to them (whether it be bad or good ) without you knowing are slim.

Here are some conversation starters to have with your child.

  • What did you do today?

Instead of asking your child how was your day, asking the child about their day will allow them to give you details that can help you ask further questions.

  • What are some things that makes you happy?

Understanding what things contributes to your child feelings will help you manage them and will help you know if the child understands their feelings.

  • What are some things that makes you sad?

  • Name someone you do not like?

When asking your child this question be sure to reassure them that you will not be upset with them for being honest. This question helps you understand your child feeling towards certain people and it opens the door to ask them why they feel the way that they feel towards the person.

  • If you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be?

This questions will help you understand your child favorite place to go and will open the door for you to ask the question as to their least favorite place to go. if that place is a persons house, school, or afterschool program etc. ask questions as to why the place is their least favorite.

When speaking with your child, always look at their body language often times children will show how they feel through their body. Different conversations will bring out different feelings which will help you understand your childs body language and what it means.

During this time while children are at home because of the #coronavirus crisis spend as much time with them and have important conversations.

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